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Braybrook Primary Academy

Reach for the stars!

February 2024

We returned after half-term to find that spring was beginning to bloom. We read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and had some interesting discussions on taking things that did not belong to us. We got our creative hats on. We redesigned the castle at the top of the beanstalk. We used watercolours to create some AMAZING paintings. We were very proud of the hard work we put into them and we were thrilled with our final pieces, each one as unique as us!



We also spent lots of time refining our maths skills. We continued to focus on our subitising skills and played lots of fun games to support our perceptual and conceptual subitising. We spent lots of time comparing quantities. Here we are enjoying our practical maths activities:


We attended our very first Valentine's Day disco. The hall was beautifully decorated, the music was great and we had an absolutely fantastic time.