key information
Tapestry and Dojo
All the children have Tapestry and Dojo accounts. We will be using Dojo to share important announcements pertaining to the class and to the wider school. We will be using Tapestry to share the children's learning throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to share the children's home learning via the children's Tapestry accounts.
P.E. will take place every Tuesday afternoon. Children will get changed into their P.E. kits prior to the session. Children must wear their school P.E. kit and plimsolls or trainers in order to be able to take part in the sessions. All P.E. sessions will be delivered by specialist P.E. coaches.
Little Wandle home learning sheets will be sent home every Wednesday. These will give you an overview of the Phonics learning that is taking place in school and enable you to practise grapheme recognition and blending at home.